TED Talks: David Kelley On Human-centred Design

by mo on Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Human-centeredness in an approach to design that really involves designing behaviors and personality into products. And I think you're starting to see that, and it's making our job even more enjoyable."

He has pieced together two pieces of the puzzle for me – as designers, we must willingly and enthusiastically engage in design discourse with the general public, the "common man", the "user" so as to create designs that – to put it almost crudely – make the world a better place. Design should not belong to an elite few but rather to everyone – each and every one of us should be able to engage with it on a tacit level, and in a way that makes us enjoy life more.

David Kelley on Human-centred Design, 2007, online video, accessed 7 April 2011, <http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/david_kelley_on_human_centered_design.html>.


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